外国人如何取得中国驾照How Foreigners Can Get Driver's License
Do foreigners need a Chinese driver’s license to drive in China?
Yes. According to China’s traffic safety laws, foreigners driving motor vehicles on Chinese roads must hold a valid driver’s license issued by the public security traffic police department in China. If they hold a foreign driver’s license, they must apply for a Chinese driver’s license according to the relevant regulations. For short-term visits, a temporary permit valid for three months can be issued, which can be extended up to one year if the stay is longer.
How can foreigners with a foreign driver’s license apply for a Chinese driver’s license?
The process generally includes two scenarios:
1. 免试换领:如果满足条件,可以直接换领中国驾照。条件通常包括:
Exemption from Exam (Direct License Exchange): If the applicant meets the conditions, they can directly exchange their foreign driver’s license for a Chinese one. The typical requirements are:
● 持有有效的境外机动车驾驶证。
Holding a valid foreign driver’s license.
● 驾驶证准驾车型符合中国规定。并非所有境外驾驶证都可以在中国直接换领。换领的准驾车型一般是小型汽车(C1或C2)。
The vehicle type listed on the license complies with Chinese regulations. Note that not all foreign licenses are eligible for direct exchange in China. Usually, only small vehicles (C1 or C2) are accepted.
● 取得该驾驶证时,在核发国家或地区一年内累计居留超过九十日。
The applicant has resided in the country or region where the license was issued for more than 90 days within one year of obtaining the license.
● 符合中国出入境管理的相关要求。
The applicant meets the relevant Chinese immigration and entry requirements.
2. 参加考试:如果不满足免试条件,需通过以下考试:
Passing an Exam: If the applicant does not meet the criteria for a direct license exchange, they must take the following exams:
● 换领小型汽车(C1或C2)驾驶证,只需考科目一。
For small vehicle licenses (C1 or C2), only the theory test (Subject 1) is required.
● 申领大型客车、重型牵引挂车、城市公交车、中型客车、大型货车等车型驾驶证,需考科目一、科目二和科目三。此外,申请准驾车型为大型客车、重型牵引挂车、中型客车机动车驾驶证的,还应当取得境外相应准驾车型机动车驾驶证二年以上。
For large vehicles like buses, heavy trailers, urban buses, medium-sized buses, and large trucks, applicants must pass the theory test (Subject 1), as well as the practical driving tests (Subject 2 and Subject 3). Additionally, those applying for licenses for large vehicles must have held a corresponding foreign license for more than two years.
Note: The specific procedures and requirements may vary depending on the local regulations. It is advisable to check with the local Vehicle Management Office for the latest information.
What is the process for exchanging a foreign driver’s license for a Chinese driver’s license?
The process is as follows:
1. 准备材料:
Prepare the required documents:
● 有效护照或者其他国际旅行证件,停居留期三个月以上的有效签证或者停留、居留许可,以及公安机关出具的住宿登记证明;或者是外国人永久居留身份证。
A valid passport or other international travel documents, a visa or residence permit valid for more than three months, and a registration certificate from the public security bureau; or a foreign permanent residence ID.
● 国外有效期内驾驶证
A valid foreign driver’s license.
● 驾驶证翻译件(通常须经公证)
A translated version of the foreign driver’s license, which usually needs to be notarized.
2. 前往当地车管所提交申请
Submit your application to the local Vehicle Management Office.
3. 参加考试(如需要):若非免试情况,参加并取得相应科目的合格成绩。
Take the required exams (if applicable): If the exemption does not apply, complete and pass the necessary exam subject(s).
4. 车管所审核材料,符合条件的申请人将获得换领的中国驾照。
Upon document review by the vehicle management office, eligible applicants will be issued a Chinese driver's license.
How can foreigners without a driver’s license obtain a Chinese driver’s license?
The process is the same as for Chinese citizens. Foreigners need to register at a local driving school with their valid identification, go to a designated hospital for a photo and medical check, and then schedule the exams (Subject 1, Subject 2, and Subject 3) through the online service platform. Once all exams are passed, they can receive a Chinese driver’s license.
Can foreign students obtain a Chinese driver’s license while studying in China?
Yes. Eligible foreign students can apply to take the Chinese driver’s license exam and obtain a Chinese driver’s license.
How long is a Chinese driver’s license valid?
The validity of a Chinese driver’s license is divided into three stages: six years, ten years, and long-term. The initial license is valid for six years. If there are no full-point penalties during this period, the next renewal extends the license to ten years. If there are still no penalties in the ten-year period, a long-term license can be issued. At each renewal, applicants must pass a medical examination to ensure they are physically fit before getting the license renewed.
What are the content and process of the exams if required?
The content of the motor vehicle driver examination is divided into road traffic safety laws, regulations and related knowledge examination subjects (hereinafter referred to as "subject 1"), venue driving skills examination subjects (hereinafter referred to as "subject 2"), road driving skills and safe and civilized driving knowledge examination subjects (hereinafter referred to as "subject 3").
(1) 科目一考试内容包括:道路通行、交通信号、道路交通安全违法行为和交通事故处理、机动车驾驶证申领和使用、机动车登记等规定以及其他道路交通安全法律、法规和规章。科目一考试满分为100分,成绩达到90分的为合格。科目一考试合格后,车辆管理所应当在一日内核发学习驾驶证明。
Subject 1 test content including: road traffic、traffic signal、road traffic safety violations and traffic accident treatment such as motor vehicle driving license application and use of the motor vehicle registration regulation, as well as other road traffic safety laws and regulations. The full score of the subject 1 examination is 100 points, and those who achieve 90 points are qualified. After passing the subject 1, the vehicle management office shall issue the learner's driving certificate within one day.
(2) 科目二考试包括:停车和在道路上的基本驾驶技能,申请人可在取得学习驾驶证明满十日后预约。
Subject 2 test content including: basic driving skills in parking and on the track. Applicants can make an appointment 10 days after obtaining the learner's driving certificate.
(3) 科目三考试包括:道路驾驶技能和安全文明驾驶常识,申请人可在取得学习驾驶证明满二十日后预约考试。
Subject 3 test content including: road driving skills and safe and civilized driving knowledge. Applicants can make an appointment 20 days after obtaining the learner's driving certificat.
What is the process for retaking an exam if it is failed?
Each subject can be tested once after booking successfully. Those who fail the examination may take a make-up examination. Those who do not take the make-up examination or still fail to pass it again will terminate the examination. The applicant shall make a new appointment for the examination. However, Subject 2 and Subject 3 exams should be re-booked 10 days later. Those who fail the safe and civilized driving knowledge test in Subject 3,the results of the road driving skills test that have been passed are still valid.
How long is the learner’s driving permit valid?
The learner's driving certificate is valid for three years, but the validity period shall not exceed the upper limit of the age requirement. The applicant shall complete the examination of subject 2 and Subject 3 within the validity period. If the examination is not completed within the validity period, the results of the subjects that have passed will be invalid.
What are the consequences if Subject 2 or Subject 3 exams are repeatedly failed within the validity period?
Within the validity period of the learner's driving certificate, the number of test appointments for subject 2 and Subject 3 shall not exceed five. If the applicant still fails to pass the fifth examination, the results of other subjects that have passed shall be invalid, requiring a restart of the application process.
Note: Local regulations may vary, so it’s always a good idea to double-check the latest information before proceeding.
1.武汉市移民事务服务中心. (2022年10月14日). 外国人初次申领中国驾照全攻略. 微信公众号.
2.北京市交通委员会. (2023年5月31日). 持境外机动车驾驶证申请机动车驾驶证. 北京市人民政府交通委员会.
2.南京车管所. (2024年5月17日). 境外驾驶证换领中国驾驶证攻略来啦!. 微信公众号.